Diamond Education

I Color Diamonds

Diamonds have long been celebrated as symbols of eternity and luxury, with their allure transcending fleeting fashion trends. However, within the vast spectrum of diamond colors, certain grades occasionally rise in popularity due to various factors. Currently, I color diamonds are gaining significant attention in the market.

0.90 ct I VS1 A CUT ABOVE® Hearts and Arrows Diamond

I Color Diamond from Whiteflash

Positioned near the middle of the near-colorless range (GHIJ), I color diamonds offer a unique blend of beauty and affordability. They don't command the hefty premiums associated with the colorless range (DEF) but still present a visually appealing whiteness, devoid of any pronounced yellow tint.

I Color Diamond from Blue Nile

I Color Diamond from Blue Nile

I Color Diamond Buying Tips

Purchasing an I color diamond can be a rewarding experience, especially when you're equipped with the right knowledge. Here are some tailored tips to ensure you get the best value and quality when selecting an I color diamond:

  1. Clarity and Eye-Cleanliness:

While I color diamonds offer a near-colorless appearance, it's essential to consider clarity. Opt for diamonds that are "eye-clean," meaning inclusions aren't visible to the naked eye. Typically, VS2 and SI1 grades offer a good balance between clarity and cost for I color diamonds.

  1. Under Carat Increments:

Diamonds priced just under popular carat weights (e.g., 0.90 carats instead of a full 1.0 carat) can offer significant savings. These diamonds often appear virtually the same size to the naked eye but come at a reduced cost.

  1. Light Performance:

The way a diamond interacts with light—its brilliance, fire, and scintillation—is crucial. For I color diamonds, superior light performance can enhance their perceived whiteness. Always ask for light performance images, such as ASET or Hearts and Arrows visuals, to assess the diamond's optical qualities.

  1. Certification:

Ensure your diamond comes with a certification from a reputable lab, like the GIA or AGS. This guarantees the diamond's quality and characteristics and provides peace of mind in your investment.

  1. Fluorescence:

As mentioned earlier, a subtle blue fluorescence can enhance the appearance of an I color diamond, making it seem whiter. However, it's essential to ensure the fluorescence isn't too strong, which could affect the diamond's overall appearance.

  1. Setting and Metal Color:

The choice of setting and metal can influence the perceived color of the diamond. For I color diamonds, warmer metals like yellow or rose gold can complement and mask any slight tint, enhancing the diamond's overall appearance.

  1. Budget Wisely:

Set a clear budget before diving into your diamond search. With I color diamonds, you're already making a savvy choice in terms of value. By considering factors like clarity, carat weight, and cut, you can maximize the beauty and value you receive for your budget.

I Color Diamond from James Allen

I Color Diamond from James Allen

I Color Diamond Pricing

The pricing of I color diamonds, like all diamonds, is influenced by a myriad of factors, with the 4Cs—Carat, Clarity, Cut, and Color—being at the forefront. I color diamonds, nestled comfortably in the near-colorless range, offer a unique proposition in terms of value. They provide a visually appealing whiteness without the premium price tags associated with the top-tier colorless grades.

One common reference in the diamond industry is the Rapaport Price List, often referred to as "Rap" or "Rappaport." This list provides a benchmark for diamond pricing based on carat weight and the 4Cs. However, it's worth noting that the Rapaport list is rather generic. It doesn't account for the nuances and individual characteristics of each diamond, such as light performance or specific inclusions. Therefore, while it can serve as a general guide, relying solely on it might not provide a comprehensive understanding of a diamond's true market value.

When considering clarity in relation to I color diamonds, it's often recommended to opt for diamonds that strike a balance between clarity and cost. As mentioned earlier, VS2 and SI1 grades typically offer this balance, ensuring the diamond is eye-clean without incurring the higher costs of flawless grades.

In the realm of lab-grown diamonds, the pricing landscape is currently quite volatile. While lab diamonds generally come at a lower price point than their natural counterparts, the rapid advancements in technology and changing market dynamics have led to fluctuations in their pricing. I color lab diamonds, like their natural counterparts, offer a balance of beauty and affordability. However, potential buyers should be aware of the current market volatility and conduct thorough research or consult with trusted jewelers before making a purchase.

Where to Buy I Color Diamonds

When seeking I color diamonds, several esteemed retailers offer distinct advantages tailored to different buyer preferences:

Blue Nile:

Blue Nile stands out for its expansive selection and user-friendly platform, allowing buyers to design their own engagement rings. Their vast inventory caters to various budgets, and their flexible payment options streamline the buying process.


Whiteflash is renowned for its A CUT ABOVE® Super Ideal Diamonds, representing exceptional quality and craftsmanship. They also provide a selection of Precision Cut Lab-Grown Diamonds and a curated range of designer engagement rings. Their commitment to quality and stellar customer service has made them a favorite among many diamond enthusiasts.

James Allen:

James Allen offers an interactive online platform, showcasing diamonds in 360° HD for transparency. Their vast selection, combined with a customer-centric approach and comprehensive educational resources, ensures buyers are well-informed throughout their purchasing journey.